Cocktail Party Invitation

Join us on Sunday, October 8, 2023 as we kick off a series of events that will lead to the celebration of Greenwood Lake’s 100th birthday in 2024!
To get from New York City to Greenwood Lake in the 1920s required an economical and reliable car that could make the journey and return home. Fortunately, Greenwood Lake was filled with automobile service, repair, and maintenance stations that could guarantee that you could make the trip at 14 miles per gallon at that time (A Model T had a 10-gal capacity in those days).

Otherwise, travelers took the ferry to the train in Hoboken and then hopped on the train to Greenwood Lake, which often had to stop and chase herds of cows off the tracks. Upon arrival they were greeted by a steamboat which took them to their favorite hotel on the lake. Train service was halted in the late 1930s, after The Depression, when road systems increased and cars became the preferred mode of transportation.

The Kickoff Cocktail Party on October 8, 2023 will feature:

  • Live entertainment by Lauren Davidson
  • Great food menu catered by Sarah Cox, featuring passed hors d’oeuvres, and several food stations
  • Souvenir wine or beer glasses for choice wine and beer, or the event’s signature cocktail; soft drinks, of course, will also be available;
  • Information about all the upcoming events throughout the year
  • Historical artifacts on display from Greenwood Lake resident Steve Gross